Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Relocalization Network

This is an old Relocalization Network project outline
that I have filled out to give YOU the reader an idea
of my perspective and goals that I have set for myself.

"Develop a plan to inventory the skills of as many
people as possible in your neighborhood.

Key points you will need to establish first:

What are the boundaries of the neighborhood or area
you will inventory?"

North America

"In what manner will you make the information available
to your neighborhood?"


"Your neighbors will want to know if you are publishing
information online or just creating a printed directory
for the neighborhood.
Be sure to ask permission as needed."


"What kinds of information do you want to include, and
how will you categorize it?"

Eco-Home Design and Sustainable Agriculture.

"Are there any groups you can partner with to research,
develop and promote the database?
(For example, community organizations, neighborhood
associations, local newspapers, etc.)"

Starting my own to avoid conflict of interests.

"There are many ways you can collect skills information,
such as holding neighborhood potlucks, posting flyers
at local gathering places, and simply going door to door.
When you collect information from your neighbors, be
sure to get each person's full contact details and ask
their permission to be contacted for advice or instruct-
tion concerning their area of skill."

I recommend a Food not Bombs gathering.

"One fun way to collect information at a neighborhood
gathering is to have a very large-scale map of your
neighborhood displayed on which people can write their
skills occupation right in the spot where they live.

You may want to track down specific skills that would
be particualarly useful for Relocalization efforts.
For example: Food production skills, like metalworking,
wood working, pottery, weaving, knitting, and sewing.

Organizational and communication skills, like meeting
facilitation, project management, community organizing,
lobbying, and media relations."

Utilize everyones potential, don't let people go to
waist. I am going to Cuba to track down the best
practices of utilizing people and resources to aid in
building a sustainable future starting with community.

"Finally, after you've collected all the information
you need and have compiled it into a useful format for
people to use, promote the resource regularly to your
neighbors, and find ways to update it and to keep track
of how people make use of it."

Use this as a guideline for your own relocalization efforts.
Don't wait on bureaucrats, collaborators, or politicians
for change. Make it yourself, less talk more action :)

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